Product InformationSentinel Summary BrochureDescribes the features and capabilities of the Sentinel Surround Sound Audio Monitor with a focus on Broadcast Loudness and QoE Monitoring and CALM Act Loudness Compliance. Includes product specifications. Sentinel IntroductionSlides and audio commentary introducing the Sentinel Surround Sound Audio Monitor. Describes the motivation behind the product, its monitoring functions, and its principal areas of application in the broadcast environment. Sentinel VisiLog Reports BrochureIntroduction to the capabilities and features of Sentinel VisiLog Reports, a reporting function that merges audio measurement data with your as-run schedule. Describes how you can use particular types of reports to monitor and analyze your broadcast audio, and how they can help you avoid CALM Act compliance problems. Sentinel User ManualGuide to installing and using the Sentinel Surround Sound Audio Monitor. Printed copies are also available from Qualis Audio. Sentinel Release Notes, Version 1.34aDescribes enhancements, corrections and known issues for version 1.34a of the Sentinel firmware. Provides step-by-step instructions for installing the firmware. To obtain the firmware update itself, please contact Qualis Audio. Sentinel Detailed 8-Page BrochureComprehensive product desription including detailed description of all features and capabilities, block diagrams, screen captures, connection diagrams, full technical specifications and ordering information. Sentinel Quick Start GuideIncludes setup connection diagram and software settings description. All User Interface screens are described and examples of readings, displays, and graphical presentations shown. Technical NotesTechNote 1: Loudness Measurements and the CALM ActThe recent passage of the CALM act has made loudness management a major concern for broadcasters and those that supply them with programming and advertising. Most broadcasters and content creators understand that compliance will come at a cost, in capital expenditures, changes in their workflow and additional record keeping in the form of logs and reports. However, before investing in any equipment or process it is essential to understand the legislation and its likely implications. This note explains the CALM act and its ramifications, and suggests cost effective solutions to conformance issues. TechNote 2: Understanding & Verifying Loudness MetersExplains the ITU BS.1770 loudness measurement standard, how it has changed and how to verify that a loudness meter meets its requirements. Also see the accompanying Loudness Meter Test Suite. TechNote 4: Loudness Variation When DownmixingThe loudness of surround format programs is generally assessed assuming they are reproduced in surround. Unfortunately, as explained in the technical note, program loudness may change considerably when reproduced in stereo. TechNote 5: Quantitative Assessment of Surround CompatibilityA new method of downmix compatibility assessment has been invented by Qualis Audio. Its quantitative nature allows objective quality criteria to replace subjective interpretation of graphical displays. This document summarizes the hazards in downmixing and prior methods of assessment. It describes the new approach and its advantages, and show examples of its use. TechNote 8: Automated Control of Loudness MeasurementsLoudness measurements conforming to ITU BS.1770 must start and stop coincident with the beginning and end of the program or commercial being measured and be suspended when breaks occur in the program. The Sentinel provides this capability, and includes a mode which automatically measures both the program and interleaved commercials. This may be controlled manually through the browser interface, via logic level hardware inputs, or by software via the network interface. This note describes the control methods available for automated applications. Loudness Meter Test SuiteSupplemental material for TechNote 2: Understanding & Verifying Loudness Meters. This test suite will be evolving – check back periodically for updates. Papers & Articles
Loudness Monitoring